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Living The Nightmare

How often do we mentally characterize our days as living the nightmare while publicly declaring we are living the dream?

There's no need to varnish the truth. Politicians have a corner on that market.

Live with bruises. Admit when you are hurting. Ask for help. Complain if you must. Celebrate when you can.

If you had a bad day, say so. If your feet hurt, stop walking for a minute and throw them on the ottoman. (Literal throwing not advised; "placing" is probably best.)

This afternoon, I attended to half a dozen phone calls from the home office. I had to beg mercy from my mentor, who covered for a schedule conflict. Meanwhile, Phoebe dozed in her room and Ezra rolled around in his bed. He didn't nap, but he minded his manners and hopefully snatched a little rest.

The older boys arrived home and I poured circle crackers into plastic bowls while staging a conference call and troubleshooting through some technical issues.

It seemed like an epic battle -- hereafter known as The Battle of Trying To Appease Everyone -- at the time. Now, it sounds kind of mundane. Everyone lived. Hurt feelings didn't persist. Meetings and phone calls are as much a part of everyday life as breakfast and bedtime.

Life as a parent is only a nightmare when you paint the narrative and believe it's so.

Change the story line, and you can change your outlook.

What's one strategy you use to change your outlook on life when the day gets out of control? Share your secret by posting a comment below.


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