I come from a long line of apologists. By which I mean, we apologize and express regret for many if not most of the things we do, most days of the week. Perhaps you know people like this.
As a parent, I have come to realize that this approach is largely a waste of time and energy. Both of those resources are in short supply.
Who cares what other people think about your decisions? It's tough to critique people who act with integrity and within the framework of their faith.
For example, tonight my energy is waning. Julie and I just completed our monthly budget. It is prime-time entertainment, let me tell you.
I'd like to keep on pushing forward on my manuscript. That big announcement I've been promising is coming any day now. I'm beyond excited. It pains me that my eyelids are drooping.
Microsoft Word will be around tomorrow, just as it is today.
But tonight, I am saying: No. I've heard it's a complete sentence. You have my permission to say "no" to something this week, too.
What are you going to say "no" to this week? Share your bold stance with me by posting a comment below.
As a parent, I have come to realize that this approach is largely a waste of time and energy. Both of those resources are in short supply.
Who cares what other people think about your decisions? It's tough to critique people who act with integrity and within the framework of their faith.
For example, tonight my energy is waning. Julie and I just completed our monthly budget. It is prime-time entertainment, let me tell you.
I'd like to keep on pushing forward on my manuscript. That big announcement I've been promising is coming any day now. I'm beyond excited. It pains me that my eyelids are drooping.
Microsoft Word will be around tomorrow, just as it is today.
But tonight, I am saying: No. I've heard it's a complete sentence. You have my permission to say "no" to something this week, too.
What are you going to say "no" to this week? Share your bold stance with me by posting a comment below.
This week, as many in the past, I will try to say "no" to thinking of myself as a loser of a parent. All of our children were taken to church three times each week, had a stable comfortable home, parents that stayed together and tried to do things God's way BUT each one as adults turned completely away from any thing we attempted to teach them. Multiple divorces , abandoned children, poor living arrangements, etc. I never turned my back and was always there to help, not enable. I realize the world offers endless temptations and influences and I also believe strongly in God's forgiveness but reflecting back can be very depressing. Saying NO and seeing examples even in the scriptures of children who cast aside parent's teachings gives me comfort .